Looking down from my office window at 4 a.m., early in the morning is definitely something my mother wouldn’t approve of but then yet again when sleep hasn’t come to you easily in the past seven years, what would you do? I think about my family back in India. A typical Rajasthani Royal joint family, one of the most powerful families at that, The Rathores.  My ancestors were the Kings of Jaisalmer and my family was still settled there. My eldest sibling, Aarav and I came to London four years ago to handle our business here. My second sibling, Arshit and our second tayaji’s son, Rohan went to New York and Rohan’s elder brother, Shaurya, our eldest tayaji’s kids, Abhimanyu and Yash lived in Jaisalmer with our family.

My reverie is broken by the call alert on my laptop and well, the only person who will call me even at this time is Rohan. The two of us were the workaholics of our family. I picked up the call and Rohan bhai’s annoying voice filled up the office. “Hey sis, how’s it going?” he asked and I could hear his smirk. “I was in a good mood until you called sweetheart. Now tell me why the fuck are you still awake?” I ask,  annoyed by him already. All my life, if there is a person who has supported my dreams, my ambitions then it's Rohan Bhai. I was pampered all my life because I was the only girl born in this generation so automatically my uncles, my dad and all my brothers were protective of me and made every wish of mine come true. However, Rohan Bhai was born only six months prior to me and was indifferent towards me which I secretly loved. He was spoiled for quite some time until I came along and he hated the fact that the attention shifted to me so quickly. "Oh you know how I can get when I'm working but then again shouldn't you be asleep?" he asks. I know he gets worried about me and he happens to be the only one who knows what happened seven years ago. The mention of what happened always reminds me of him. All of his promises which are broken, all his sweet nothings, his I love yous, his cuddles, his memories haunt me every single fucking time. A car honk from the phone breaks my rundown from past and makes me frown. "Are you outside or something?" I ask him confused. "Umm.. yeah I'm driving home and by the way I called to ask you when we're leaving for Abhi bhai's marriage. You know the rituals start next week, right? Plus Chachi is pestering me to convince you to come. You are coming, right?" His voice had a hopeful tone. I know my family misses me. Every time we had a function back home, I never went because going there always meant facing him and his family. I was never ready for it and will never be either. "Is he gonna be there? And what about his family?" The words escaping my lips before I even knew it. "I don't know sis. We'll know if we go," he says.

I think about it over and over for sometime until I answer him, "We're leaving in two days, alright?" "Yes! I'm gonna inform Ma and Chachi. They're going to be ecstatic."

After taking for ten more minutes, I hang up and think of my upcoming trip.

I'm coming soon to you, my love



#Chachi - Father's younger brother's wife

#Ma - Mother


Hey guys, so this is my first book and I really hope you guys enjoy it. I am a Science student from India and therefore won't be able to upload regularly so please do excuse me.

Yours lovingly,


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